Binary Code. We could not code and create programs without it. And it is all about 1'sand 0's. Binary numbers are represented in a base 2 number system. Every number we have in our base 10 number system (0-9) has an equivalent number in base 2 or Binary of 0's and 1's to represent that number. Confusing? This may be hard to visualize for a student (or adult). Following are free resources that may be helpful as you explore with your students the basics of computer programming and math.
I created this Binary Code Converter in Google Sheets that hopefully helps one to visualize how it works. Click here to get your free copy.
Once you get the idea of how this works, try out this FREE handy dandy Binary game from Cisco
Explore Binary Numbers and other coding concepts with these fun FREE interactive activiites from Computing and ICTG in a Nutshell.