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International Women’s Day

Friday, March 8, is International Women’s Day. This is a day designated to celebrate “the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women” everywhere. The theme this year is “Balance for Better”. Copenhagen , Denmark is kicking off the day with a Women in Tech event and it is sold out! As we continue to see the number of women choosing computer science as a career declining despite this field at one time having a much higher representation of women, let’s take a minute in the classroom, in your workroom, and on social media and spread awareness. If nothing else, be sure to strike your Balance For Better pose and tweet it out using the hastag #balanceforbetter. Following are links to resources and ideas.

International Women’s Day Lesson plans for the classroom from IWD including activity task cards, detailed lesson plans, videos, reading lists and more.

Teacher Vision For grades 5-8 | Social Studies, American History, Women’s Rights

The Chalkboard Variety of free downloadable activities.

Do you have a lesson plan to share for International Women’s Day? Submit your lesson plan here and if we use it you will receive a Mrs. Geeky Chic to be Geek mug.


Girls Coming to Tech! (2014). MIT Press.

International Women’s Day 2019. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Pitofsky, M. (2019, March 07). International Women’s Day 2019 theme is #BalanceforBetter: Here’s what you need to know. Retrieved from

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