Mrs.Geeky | It's Chic to be Geek! Take learning to the next level
NASA needs Citizen Scientists for Solar Eclipse and beyond!
We know student engagement and learning increase when their learning environment has real world connections and realistic, meaningful applications. Here is an amazing opportunity for you and your students to help NASA collect data and make a difference. The Solar Eclipse, August 21, will cause a temperature shift. NASA wants to get an average of how much and where. They need YOU and YOUR students to help record data. Download the app GLOBE, part of a NASA education initiative, register and get a thermometer and you are ready to become a Citizen Scientist. Data you and your class collect will be part of an interactive map that you can access. Imagine the opportunities to incorporate geography, science, and math. And it gets better. The GLOBE app has numerous ongoing environmental observations that help scientists in their research and studies.